The 2024 Lead Generation Playbook: Attract, Engage, Convert (Like a Boss!)

March 4, 2024
Daniel Trujillo
45 min

The 2024 Lead Generation Playbook: Attract, Engage, Convert (Like a Boss!)

Conquering the B2B Lead Gen Maze in 2024 with Demand Inc.

Remember the days when B2B lead generation was like shooting fish in a barrel? Yeah, neither do we. In today's competitive panorama, attracting high-quality prospects feels more like navigating a complex maze blindfolded. Fear not, Demand Inc. is here to be your sherpa!

B2B lead generation, the lifeblood of any sales team, involves identifying potential customers and nurturing them into qualified leads. It's crucial for Demand Inc. to fuel your growth, but let's be honest, the path is riddled with challenges. From information overload to fierce competition, standing out and converting prospects can feel like an uphill battle.

But there's good news! We're not advocating for a one-size-fits-all solution. The key lies in finding what works for you. This article acts as your personalized roadmap, packed with 20 powerful strategies and Demand Inc.'s expert insights to help you:

  • Craft compelling content that attracts ideal buyers.
  • Transform your website into a lead-generating machine.
  • Leverage the power of social media to connect and engage.
  • Harness the magic of email marketing to nurture leads and drive conversions.
  • Explore innovative strategies like video marketing and webinars.
  • Personalize your approach to build trust and lasting relationships.
  • And much more!

So, put down that blindfold, grab your flashlight of knowledge, and get ready to shine a light on B2B lead generation success with Demand Inc.!

What is B2B Lead Generation?

Demystifying the B2B Lead Gen Process:

Before we delve into the strategic arsenal, let's establish a solid foundation. In this section, we'll unpack the core concepts of B2B lead generation, differentiating it from its B2C counterpart and outlining the key stages of the process.

B2B Lead Generation 101:

Imagine a prospect, a company with unmet needs that align perfectly with your offerings. B2B lead generation is the art of identifying and cultivating such prospects, transforming them into qualified leads - potential customers who are actively interested in your solutions. Think of it as building a bridge from awareness to conversion.

Now, how does B2B differ from B2C lead generation? It all boils down to the decision-making process:

  • B2B: Purchases usually involve multiple stakeholders, extensive research, and longer sales cycles.
  • B2C: Individual consumers make faster decisions based on personal needs and emotions.

The B2B Lead Generation Journey:

Think of your lead generation strategy as a well-defined sales funnel with four distinct stages:

  1. Attract: Grab attention with valuable content, targeted ads, or an engaging social media presence.
  2. Engage: Spark interest through informative resources, webinars, or interactive experiences.
  3. Qualify: Nurture leads by understanding their needs, budget, and decision-making process. Separate tire-kickers from serious contenders.
  4. Close: Convert qualified leads into paying customers with compelling offers, personalized outreach, and exceptional customer service.

By mastering each stage, you'll effectively cultivate a pipeline of high-quality B2B leads, paving the way for sustainable business growth. Now, let's unpack the key terms you'll encounter along this journey:

  • Prospect: A potential customer who might have some interest in your offerings.
  • Lead: A prospect who has shown concrete interest, typically by providing their contact information.
  • Nurturing: The process of building relationships and providing valuable information to guide leads towards a purchase decision.
  • Sales Funnel: A visual representation of the customer journey, outlining the stages from initial awareness to conversion.

Stay tuned, as we'll soon equip you with actionable strategies to excel in each stage of this exciting B2B lead generation adventure!

20 B2B Lead Generation Strategies by Demand Inc.

  1. Content Marketing:

Content marketing is the cornerstone of any successful B2B lead generation strategy. It allows you to establish yourself as a thought leader, attract prospects organically, and nurture leads with valuable information. Here's how you. can leverage content marketing to its full potential:

Know Your Audience:

Before crafting content, it's crucial to understand your buyer personas. Who are you trying to reach? What are their pain points and goals? What type of content resonates with them? Invest time in developing detailed personas to ensure your content hits the mark.

Create Valuable Content:

Focus on creating high-quality content that offers genuine value to your target audience. This could include:

  • Blog posts: Address industry trends, provide practical tips, or answer common questions.
  • Ebooks and white papers: Offer in-depth insights and solutions to complex challenges.
  • Webinars and online events: Educate and engage prospects with interactive sessions.
  • Infographics and videos: Present complex information in visually appealing formats.

Remember, your content should be informative, engaging, and solution-oriented.

Diversify Your Content Mix:

Don't be afraid to experiment with different content formats. While blog posts are a staple, consider incorporating:

  • Podcasts: Offer on-the-go insights and interviews with industry experts.
  • Case studies: Showcase successful client stories to build trust and credibility.
  • Interactive quizzes and assessments: Help prospects understand their needs and how your solutions fit in.

By diversifying your content mix, you cater to different learning styles and preferences, attracting a wider audience.

Optimize for Search and Social Media:

Don't let your valuable content gather dust! Ensure your content is easily discoverable by:

  • Optimizing for relevant keywords: Conduct keyword research to understand what your target audience is searching for.
  • Promoting on social media: Share your content across relevant platforms and engage with your audience.
  • Leveraging paid advertising: Consider strategic ad campaigns to reach a wider audience.

By optimizing your content for search and social media, you'll significantly increase its reach and visibility, attracting more qualified leads.

Track and Analyze:

Content marketing is not a "set it and forget it" strategy. Continuously track and analyze your content performance using metrics like website traffic, lead generation, and engagement. This data will help you identify what's working and what needs improvement, allowing you to refine your content strategy for even better results.

Remember, content marketing is a long-term game. By consistently creating valuable and informative content, you'll establish yourself as a trusted resource, attract high-quality leads, and pave the way for sustainable B2B growth.

  2. Website Optimization:

Turning Visitors into Leads

Think of your website as a digital storefront. It's crucial to optimize it for both user experience and lead generation. Here's how:

Mobile-First Mindset:

In today's mobile-driven world, ensuring your website is mobile-friendly is non-negotiable. Google prioritizes mobile-optimized websites in search results, and a poor mobile experience will push potential leads away. Use responsive design to ensure your website seamlessly adapts to all devices.

User-Friendly Navigation:

Your website should be intuitive and easy to navigate. Users should be able to find the information they need quickly and effortlessly. Invest in a clear navigation structure, search functionality, and internal linking to guide visitors on their journey.

Compelling Calls to Action (CTAs):

Tell visitors what you want them to do! Strong CTAs, like "Download our free ebook" or "Schedule a demo," encourage visitors to take the next step and become leads. Place clear and visually appealing CTAs throughout your website, aligned with your content and target audience.

Capture Forms that Convert:

Don't miss out on potential leads! Implement user-friendly capture forms to collect visitor information. Keep forms concise, ask for essential information only, and offer incentives like valuable content in exchange for their contact details.

Analyze and Optimize:

Website optimization is an ongoing process. Use analytics tools to track user behavior, measure conversion rates, and identify areas for improvement. A/B tests different elements like CTAs, landing pages, and website layout to see what works best for your audience.

By prioritizing mobile-friendliness, user experience, and clear CTAs, you'll transform your website into a lead-generation powerhouse. Remember, website optimization is a journey, not a destination. Continuously analyze and improve to attract more visitors and convert them into valuable leads.

  3. Social Media Marketing:

Social media platforms have become vital hubs for B2B lead generation, allowing you to connect with your target audience, build relationships, and nurture leads directly. Here's how you can leverage social media for maximum impact:

Choose Your Battleground:

Not all platforms are created equal. Identify where your target audience spends their time online. Focus on key platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or industry-specific communities where your ideal prospects actively engage.

Share Valuable Content:

Don't just post sales pitches! Share valuable content that resonates with your audience's interests and challenges. Industry insights, thought leadership articles, client success stories, and engaging visuals like infographics and videos are all valuable tools for attracting attention and sparking conversations.

Be Social, Not Robotic:

Social media is about two-way communication. Respond to comments, participate in relevant discussions, and answer questions genuinely. Show your personality and brand voice, letting your audience connect with your human side.

Leverage Paid Advertising:

Go beyond organic reach and consider targeted social media ads. Platforms like LinkedIn allow you to precisely target ideal prospects based on demographics, interests, and job titles, maximizing your campaign ROI.

Showcase Expertise and Solutions:

Use social media platforms to showcase your expertise and how your solutions address industry challenges. Share client testimonials, participate in relevant hashtags, and host Q&A sessions to establish yourself as a thought leader and trusted resource.

Partner with Influencers:

Collaborate with industry influencers who resonate with your target audience. Influencer marketing can significantly expand your reach, build brand credibility, and attract qualified leads through trusted recommendations.

Track and Analyze:

Just like with website optimization, social media success requires monitoring and adjustments. Use analytics tools to track engagement metrics, identify top-performing content, and understand your audience's preferences. Continuously refine your strategy to maximize your social media presence and B2B lead generation efforts.

Remember, social media is a marathon, not a sprint. By consistently providing valuable content, engaging with your audience, and showcasing your expertise, you can build a strong social media presence, attract high-quality leads, and nurture them into loyal customers.

   4. Email Marketing:

In the B2B world, email remains a powerful tool for lead generation and nurturing. By building an engaged email list and crafting personalized campaigns, you can connect directly with its target audience, foster trust, and convert leads into customers. Here's how:

Cultivate a High-Quality Email List:

Don't settle for quantity over quality! Build your email list organically through website forms, lead magnets, and event registrations. Offer valuable content and incentives in exchange for contact information, ensuring your subscribers are genuinely interested in what you offer.

Segmentation is Key:

Treat your email list like a diverse landscape. Segment your subscribers based on demographics, interests, and engagement levels. This allows you to personalize your email campaigns and deliver content relevant to each individual's needs and stage in the buyer's journey.

Personalized Touch Goes a Long Way:

Personalization is the magic ingredient in effective email marketing. Use subscribers' names, mention their industry challenges, and offer solutions tailored to their interests. This creates a sense of connection and increases the likelihood of engagement.

Automate for Efficiency:

Leverage email automation to nurture leads at scale. Build automated email sequences that welcome new subscribers, offer educational content, provide product updates, and remind inactive leads about your offerings. Automation saves time and ensures consistent communication with your audience.

Measure and Optimize:

Email marketing success hinges on data-driven insights. Track key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to understand what resonates with your audience. A/B tests different subject lines, content formats, and calls to action to continuously improve your campaign performance.

Be Compliant and Respectful:

Always prioritize subscriber consent and adhere to anti-spam regulations. Provide clear unsubscribe options and respect users' preferences. Building trust and ethical practices are crucial for long-term success.

Remember, email marketing is not a one-time blast. It's about building relationships and nurturing leads with valuable content and personalized communication. By focusing on quality subscribers, segmentation, and data-driven optimization, you can leverage email marketing to cultivate a loyal audience and convert leads into customers.

    5. Paid Advertising:

Paid advertising platforms like Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads offer powerful tools to amplify your message, target ideal prospects, and generate high-quality leads

Let's explore how:

Choose the Right Platform:

Don't spread yourself too thin! Analyze where your target audience spends their time online. Focus on platforms like Google Ads for search-based targeting and LinkedIn Ads for reaching specific demographics and job titles.

Laser-Sharp Targeting:

Paid advertising allows you to go beyond simple demographics. Target potential leads based on their professional interests, online behavior, company size, and even specific job roles. This ensures your ads reach the right people with the highest conversion potential.

Compelling Ad Copy and Creatives:

Your ad copy and visuals are the first impression you make. Craft clear, concise, and value-driven copy that resonates with your target audience. Use eye-catching visuals and relevant keywords to attract attention and encourage clicks.

Landing Pages that Convert:

Don't let clicks go to waste! Ensure your landing pages are optimized for conversions. Align the landing page content with your ad message, offer a clear call to action, and capture lead information seamlessly.

Track and Analyze for Success:

Paid advertising is a dynamic world. Track key metrics like impressions, clicks, conversions, and cost per lead (CPL) to understand what's working and what needs improvement. Continuously A/B test different ad elements, targeting options, and landing page variations to optimize your campaigns for maximum ROI.

Experiment with Advanced Targeting:

As you gain experience, explore advanced targeting features like retargeting and lookalike audiences. Retarget website visitors who haven't converted yet, and reach new prospects with similar characteristics to your existing high-value customers.

Compliance and Transparency:

Always adhere to the advertising platform's guidelines and disclose sponsored content clearly. Building trust and transparency is crucial for successful paid advertising campaigns.

Remember, paid advertising is an investment, not a cost. By strategically targeting your ideal audience, crafting compelling ads, and continuously optimizing your campaigns, you can leverage paid advertising to generate high-quality leads and fuel sustainable business growth.

    6. Guest Posting:

Standing out and reaching your target audience requires innovative strategies. Guest posting presents a powerful opportunity for you to contribute valuable content to relevant industry blogs and websites, expanding your reach, building brand authority, and generating high-quality leads. Let's explore how:

Identify the Right Platforms:

Start by researching industry-specific blogs, websites, and online publications frequented by your target audience. Choose platforms with strong reputations, engaged communities, and alignment with your content expertise.

Craft Valuable and Insightful Content:

Don't just repurpose old blog posts. Develop fresh, thought-provoking content tailored to the guest platform's audience and editorial calendar. Offer unique insights, data-driven information, and practical solutions to industry challenges.

Showcase Your Expertise:

While providing valuable content, subtly weave in your expertise and solutions. Don't be overly promotional, but offer examples and case studies showcasing how your solutions address industry pain points.

Build Relationships with Editors and Influencers:

Connect with editors and influencers at your chosen platforms. Build genuine relationships, understand their content needs, and pitch guest post ideas that align with their audience's interests.

Leverage the Power of Backlinks:

Guest posting offers valuable backlinks to your website. These backlinks not only improve your search engine ranking (SEO) but also act as votes of confidence, establishing Demand Inc. as a trusted industry source.

Promote Your Guest Posts:

Don't let your guest posts gather dust! Share them on your social media channels, email newsletter, and website, directing relevant traffic back to the original platform and fostering further engagement.

Track and Analyze Your Results:

Track key metrics like website traffic, lead generation, and brand mentions generated through guest posts. This data helps you understand the effectiveness of your efforts and identify the platforms most valuable for your lead generation goals.

Remember, guest posting is a long-term strategy. Building relationships with editors, consistently delivering high-quality content, and analyzing your results will help you leverage guest posting to establish thought leadership, attract qualified leads, and drive sustainable business growth.

   7. Video Marketing:

Video marketing has become a potent tool for B2B lead generation. By creating engaging and informative video content, you can capture attention, educate prospects, and nurture leads through a captivating medium. Let's explore how:

Know Your Audience:

Before hitting record, understand your target audience's preferences and challenges. What type of video content resonates with them? What information are they seeking? Tailor your video topics and formats to address their specific needs and interests.

Quality Over Quantity:

Focus on creating high-quality videos that offer genuine value. Invest in good lighting, sound, and editing to ensure a professional and engaging experience. Remember, even a short, impactful video can outperform a longer, low-quality one.

Diversify Your Video Content:

Experiment with different video formats to cater to various learning styles and preferences.

Explore options like:

  • Explainer videos: Break down complex concepts and showcase your solutions in an easy-to-understand format.
  • Product demos: Give viewers a virtual tour of your offerings and highlight their key features and benefits.
  • Customer testimonials: Let satisfied clients share their success stories and build trust with potential leads.
  • Webinars and live sessions: Engage your audience in real time with interactive video presentations and Q&A sessions.
  • Short social media clips: Grab attention with bite-sized, informative videos optimized for platforms like LinkedIn or Instagram.

Optimize for Visibility:

Make sure your videos are easily discoverable. Include relevant keywords in titles, descriptions, and tags. Optimize your thumbnails for visual appeal and click-through rates. Leverage video hosting platforms like YouTube and embed videos strategically on your website and social media.

Call to Action (CTA):

Don't leave viewers hanging! Tell them what you want them to do next. Include clear CTAs within your videos, encouraging viewers to download an ebook, sign up for a free trial, or visit your website for more information.

Track and Analyze Performance:

Track key metrics like views, engagement (likes, comments, shares), and click-through rates to understand how your videos are performing. This data helps you identify what's working and refine your video marketing strategy for better results.

Consistency is Key:

Building a successful video marketing presence requires consistent effort. Create a regular publishing schedule and stick to it to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.

Remember, video marketing is a powerful tool for B2B lead generation. By prioritizing quality, diversifying your content, and optimizing for visibility, you can leverage video to connect with your target audience, educate prospects, and nurture leads into loyal customers.

  8. Webinars and Online Events:

Connecting with your target audience on a deeper level is crucial. Webinars and online events offer you an interactive platform to educate potential customers, showcase expertise, and nurture leads through engaging experiences. Let's explore how:

Define Your Goals and Target Audience:

Before diving in, clarify your objectives. Are you aiming to generate leads, educate about a new product feature, or establish thought leadership? Identify your ideal attendee profile to tailor your content and attract the right audience.

Offer Valuable and Timely Content:

Focus on topics relevant to your audience's challenges and aligned with your expertise. Offer data-driven insights, practical solutions, and industry trends to keep attendees engaged and learning. Partner with industry influencers or clients for diverse perspectives.

Leverage Different Event Formats:

Explore various webinar formats to cater to different preferences:

  • Live presentations: Offer interactive sessions with Q&A opportunities and live polls.
  • Pre-recorded webinars: Allow for wider reach and flexible viewing schedules.
  • Panel discussions: Feature diverse viewpoints and stimulate engaging conversations.
  • Product demos: Showcase your solutions in action and address key features live.

Seamless Registration and Promotion:

Ensure a smooth registration process with clear value propositions and easy-to-use platforms. Promote your events across various channels like email marketing, social media, and your website.

Capture Valuable Lead Data:

Collect essential information during registration, like job titles and company details, to personalize your follow-up and understand your audience better.

Engage and Interact During the Event:

Create an interactive experience. Encourage questions, respond to comments, and conduct polls to keep attendees engaged throughout the session.

Nurture Leads Post-Event:

Don't let the engagement end after the webinar. Send follow-up emails with recordings, presentations, and additional resources. Offer personalized consultations or demos based on their expressed interests.

Track and Analyze Performance:

Measure key metrics like attendance rates, engagement levels, and lead generation to understand what resonates with your audience and refine your strategy for future events.

Remember, webinars and online events are powerful tools for building relationships, educating leads, and generating valuable B2B connections. By offering valuable content, fostering engagement, and nurturing leads strategically, you can leverage these interactive platforms to drive its B2B lead generation efforts and achieve sustainable growth.

  9. Partnerships and Co-marketing:

Collaboration is key. By forging strategic partnerships and engaging in co-marketing initiatives, you can unlock access to new audiences, amplify its message, and generate high-quality leads. Here's how:

Identify the Right Partners:

Seek partnerships with complementary businesses that share your target audience's interests but don't directly compete with your offerings. Look for companies with strong reputations, aligned values, and a collaborative spirit.

Explore Diverse Collaboration Options:

There's more to co-marketing than just co-hosting webinars! Explore various collaboration options:

  • Co-hosted events: Partner to organize webinars, industry conferences, or product demos, reaching a wider audience and gaining exposure to each other's networks.
  • Joint content creation: Develop white papers, ebooks, or infographics together, combining expertise and offering diverse perspectives on industry challenges.
  • Cross-promotional campaigns: Leverage each other's marketing channels to promote content, events, or special offers, expanding reach and generating qualified leads for both parties.
  • Referral programs: Establish mutually beneficial referral programs to incentivize your existing customers to recommend each other's solutions.

Align Goals and Expectations:

Before diving in, clearly define your objectives, target audience, and key performance indicators (KPIs) for the partnership. Ensure shared goals, transparent communication, and a well-defined division of responsibilities.

Leverage Each Other's Strengths:

Play to each other's strengths to maximize the impact of the collaboration. Leverage your partner's industry expertise, content creation skills, or marketing reach to enhance your joint efforts.

Measure and Refine:

Track the effectiveness of your co-marketing initiatives by measuring KPIs like website traffic, lead generation, and brand awareness. Analyze campaign performance and refine your strategies to optimize results for both you and your partners.

Build Long-Term Relationships:

Successful partnerships are built on trust and mutual benefit. Foster genuine relationships with your partners, nurture open communication, and celebrate successes together.

Remember, co-marketing offers a powerful opportunity for B2B lead generation. By identifying the right partners, exploring diverse collaboration options, and prioritizing a strategic and results-oriented approach, you can leverage partnerships to expand your reach, amplify your message, and generate high-quality leads for sustainable growth.

  10. Personalization:

In today's B2B space, a one-size-fits-all approach simply doesn't cut it. Personalization has become the key differentiator, allowing you to connect with each lead on an individual level, understand their unique needs, and deliver highly relevant messaging and offers, ultimately driving higher conversion rates and nurturing relationships.

Know Your Audience, Inside and Out:

Personalization starts with understanding your target audience deeply. Leverage data from website interactions, email engagement, and survey responses to build detailed buyer personas. Segment your audience based on demographics, industry, pain points, and buying stage.

Leverage Technology for Insights and Automation:

Technology empowers personalization. Utilize marketing automation platforms and customer relationship management (CRM) systems to analyze data, trigger customized communications, and automate personalized email campaigns based on individual behaviors and preferences.

Content that Resonates:

Create content that speaks directly to your audience's specific needs and challenges. Develop industry-specific blog posts, case studies, and white papers targeted to different personas. Offer personalized content recommendations based on past interactions.

Dynamic Website Experiences:

Personalize your website experience based on individual visitors. Showcase relevant products, solutions, and content based on their browsing history and interests. Utilize tools like dynamic landing pages to tailor messaging and CTAs to specific segments.

Social Media Engagement, Personalized:

Go beyond generic posts. Tailor your social media content to different audience segments, addressing their specific challenges and highlighting solutions directly relevant to their industries. Respond to comments and messages with personalized responses.

Sales Interactions with a Human Touch:

Personalization extends to the sales journey. Equip your sales reps with detailed lead profiles and insights from marketing automation. Encourage genuine conversations, tailoring presentations and demos to each prospect's unique needs and challenges.

Nurturing Leads with Personalized Care:

Personalization goes beyond the initial engagement. Nurture leads with content and offers relevant to their stage in the buyer's journey. Utilize automated email sequences triggered by specific actions, providing valuable resources and addressing their evolving needs.

Measure and Refine:

Personalization is an ongoing process. Track the impact of your efforts through A/B testing, website analytics, and campaign performance metrics. Analyze results and refine your strategies to deliver even more relevant and impactful personalized experiences for your leads.

Remember, personalization is about building genuine connections with your leads. By understanding their individual needs, delivering relevant content and offers, and fostering personalized interactions throughout the journey, you can unlock the true power of B2B lead generation and build deeper, more meaningful relationships with potential customers.

  11. Lead Magnets:

Attracting qualified leads requires creative strategies. Lead magnets offer valuable resources like ebooks, white papers, or templates in exchange for contact information, allowing you to build your email list and nurture potential customers effectively. Here's how:

Know Your Audience:

Before crafting lead magnets, deeply understand your target audience's pain points, challenges, and information needs. What keeps them up at night? What questions do they frequently ask? Develop buyer personas to ensure your lead magnets resonate deeply with their specific interests and concerns.

Offer High-Value Content:

Don't settle for mediocrity. Invest in creating high-quality, informative lead magnets that deliver genuine value to your audience. Offer actionable insights, practical solutions, and data-driven recommendations that address their specific pain points. Remember, your lead magnet should be so valuable that your audience considers it worth giving up their contact information for.

Alignment is Key:

Ensure your lead magnets are directly relevant to your offerings and target audience. Don't offer generic content; tailor your message and solutions to the specific challenges your ideal customers face. This builds trust and credibility, establishing you as a thought leader in your industry.

Format Variety:

Cater to diverse learning styles and preferences by offering lead magnets in different formats. Popular options include:

  • Ebooks: Offer in-depth guides on industry trends, best practices, or complex topics.
  • White papers: Present data-driven research and insights on industry challenges and solutions.
  • Templates and checklists: Provide practical tools to help your audience solve specific problems or streamline processes.
  • Webinars and online events: Offer interactive sessions with valuable content and exclusive insights in exchange for registration.

Landing Page Optimization:

Create dedicated landing pages for each lead magnet with clear value propositions, compelling CTAs, and easy-to-use forms. Optimize your landing pages for search engines and mobile devices to maximize lead generation potential.

Promote Effectively:

Don't let your lead magnets gather dust! Promote them across various channels like your website, blog, social media, and email marketing campaigns. Consider paid advertising to reach a wider audience.

Nurture Leads with Care:

Once someone downloads your lead magnet, don't forget about them! Send automated email sequences that offer additional resources, personalized recommendations, and relevant content based on their interests. This helps nurture leads and move them further down the sales funnel.

Measure and Analyze:

Track the performance of your lead magnets through metrics like download rates, click-through rates, and lead conversion rates. This data helps you identify what works well and what needs improvement, allowing you to refine your strategy for even better results.

Remember, lead magnets are powerful tools for attracting and engaging your ideal audience. By offering high-value, relevant content in diverse formats, promoting them effectively, and nurturing leads with care, you can leverage lead magnets to build a strong email list, generate qualified leads, and ultimately achieve sustainable B2B growth.

  12. Free Tools and Resources:

The B2B industry thrives on trust and value. One effective way to establish both is by offering free tools and resources specifically designed to help your target audience. This not only attracts visitors, but also generates leads and positions you as a thought leader in the industry. Here's how:

Identify Valuable Pain Points:

Start by understanding your target audience's core challenges and pain points. Conduct surveys, analyze customer feedback, and research industry trends to pinpoint areas where offering a free tool or resource could provide significant value.

Prioritize Practicality:

Focus on developing tools that address specific, practical needs. Consider options like:

  • Calculators: Help your audience solve problems or assess situations relevant to your industry.
  • Checklists and templates: Provide actionable guides to simplify complex tasks or processes.
  • Data visualizations and reports: Offer insights and trends relevant to your industry in an easily digestible format.
  • Interactive quizzes and assessments: Engage your audience while collecting valuable data about their needs and preferences.

Quality Over Quantity:

Invest in crafting high-quality tools and resources. Ensure they are user-friendly, well-designed, and offer accurate, valuable information. Remember, a well-developed free tool can be more impactful than several mediocre ones.

Branding and Consistency:

Maintain consistent branding across your free tools and resources, aligning them with the overall brand identity. This reinforces brand recognition and builds trust with users.

Lead Generation Integration:

Strategically integrate lead generation elements into your tools. Require a user's email address for access or offer additional resources through email subscriptions. Ensure a smooth sign-up process and respect user privacy.

Promotion and Distribution:

Don't hide your free tools! Promote them across various channels like your website, blog, social media, and email marketing campaigns. Consider collaborating with industry publications or influencers to reach a wider audience.

Track and Analyze:

Monitor the usage and impact of your free tools. Track metrics like downloads, registrations, user engagement, and lead generation rates. This data helps you understand what resonates with your audience and identify areas for improvement.

Continuously Improve:

Free tools are not static entities. Based on user feedback and data analysis, refine your tools to enhance their value and effectiveness. Regularly update content, address user suggestions, and consider adding new features based on evolving needs.

Remember, free tools and resources are powerful lead-generation magnets. By focusing on building value, addressing specific needs, and integrating strategic lead generation elements, you can attract qualified leads, establish trust, and position yourself as a valuable resource in the B2B industry.

  13. Case Studies and Testimonials:

Potential customers crave social proof. Case studies and testimonials provide powerful tools for Demand Inc. to showcase successful customer stories and positive feedback, demonstrating the value of your product or service and generating high-quality leads. Let's explore how:

Identify Compelling Stories:

Don't settle for generic testimonials. Seek out customers who have achieved significant results using your solutions. Look for diverse stories that represent different industries, company sizes, and challenges overcome.

Craft Compelling Narratives:

Go beyond simple quotes. Develop case studies that tell compelling narratives, outlining the customer's initial challenges, the solutions implemented, and the quantifiable results achieved. Highlight the impact your product or service had on their business.

Data-Driven Proof:

Back up your stories with data! Include concrete metrics and statistics in your case studies, showcasing the increase in sales, efficiency gains, or cost savings achieved by the customer. Quantifiable results add credibility and resonate deeply with potential buyers.

Targeting and Personalization:

Segment your case studies and testimonials based on your target audience. Showcase stories relevant to their specific industries, challenges, and decision-making stages. This enhances personalization and increases the perceived value of your offerings.

Strategic Placement:

Make your case studies and testimonials easily accessible. Feature them prominently on your website, landing pages, blog, and social media channels. Consider creating dedicated pages showcasing a library of success stories.

Leverage Customer Advocacy:

Empower your satisfied customers to become advocates. Encourage them to share their stories on social media, participate in webinars, or co-create content with you. This amplifies your message and builds trust with potential leads.

Track and Analyze:

Measure the impact of your case studies and testimonials. Track metrics like website traffic, lead generation, and engagement rates associated with these materials. Use this data to identify the most effective stories and refine your strategy for even better results.

Continuous Improvement:

Freshness is key. Regularly update your case studies and testimonials with new customer stories and results. This demonstrates your ongoing success and keeps your content engaging for potential buyers.

Remember, case studies and testimonials are not just marketing materials; they are trust builders. By showcasing authentic customer stories, highlighting quantifiable results, and strategically placing them across your platforms, you can leverage these powerful tools to generate high-quality leads, build credibility, and ultimately achieve sustainable growth.

  14. Social Proof:

Potential customers don't just listen to what you say, they listen to what others say about you. Social proof – customer reviews, social media mentions, and industry awards – offers you an invaluable opportunity to build trust, establish credibility, and attract high-quality leads. Let's explore how:

Embrace Customer Reviews:

Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on relevant platforms like Google My Business, industry review sites, and your own website. Respond to both positive and negative reviews promptly and professionally, showcasing your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Leverage Social Media Mentions:

Don't let positive social media mentions go unnoticed! Share them on your own channels, tag the original commenter, and express your gratitude. Consider creating dedicated highlights or stories showcasing social proof.

Industry Recognition Matters:

Highlight any industry awards or recognitions received prominently on your website, marketing materials, and social media profiles. Emphasize what these awards represent and how they validate your expertise and commitment to your field.

Go Beyond Words:

Visuals can be powerful social proof tools. Showcase customer logos, success stories, and case studies featuring happy clients using your solutions. Utilize high-quality testimonials in various formats like text, video, or quotes.

Authenticity is Key:

Don't fabricate or manipulate social proof. Be transparent and focus on showcasing genuine feedback and recognition. This builds trust and resonates better with potential leads.

Integrate Strategically:

Seamlessly weave social proof into your marketing efforts. Feature customer reviews on relevant landing pages, include industry awards in your company profile, and share social media mentions in your email campaigns.

Encourage Advocacy:

Empower your satisfied customers to become advocates. Encourage them to share their experiences on social media, participate in industry forums, or write guest blog posts for you. This amplifies your message and builds trust organically.

Track and Analyze:

Understand which types of social proof resonate most with your audience. Track engagement rates, website traffic, and lead generation associated with different testimonials, reviews, and mentions. Use this data to refine your strategy and emphasize the most impactful social proof elements.

Remember, social proof is not about bragging; it's about building trust. By strategically showcasing authentic customer feedback, industry recognition, and positive mentions, you can leverage the power of social proof to attract qualified leads, establish yourself as a trusted industry player, and drive sustainable business growth.

  15. A/B Testing and Optimization:

Complacency breeds stagnation. To stay ahead of the curve and maximize lead generation, continuous testing and optimization are crucial for you. By experimenting with different marketing elements and analyzing results, you can refine your campaigns, identify winning strategies, and ultimately generate more qualified leads. Let's explore how:

Define Your Goals and Metrics:

Start with clarity. Clearly define your objectives for each test, whether it's increasing website traffic, boosting conversion rates, or improving the effectiveness of specific marketing channels. Identify relevant metrics to track progress and measure the impact of your changes.

Prioritize High-Impact Elements:

Don't test everything at once! Analyze your current marketing efforts and identify areas with the highest potential for improvement. Start with elements directly impacting your lead generation goals, like website headlines, landing page CTAs, or email subject lines.

Embrace the Power of AB Testing:

AB testing allows you to compare two versions of an element to see which performs better. This data-driven approach helps you identify winning variations and optimize your efforts. Consider testing:

  • Headlines and copy: Compare different calls to action, value propositions, and overall messaging.
  • Visuals: Test the impact of different images, colors, and design elements.
  • Landing page layouts: Experiment with different CTA placements, form structures, and content hierarchy.
  • Email personalization: Test subject lines, sender names, and content variations based on audience segments.

Leverage Optimization Tools:

Utilize dedicated marketing automation and analytics platforms to simplify your testing process. These tools track user behavior, collect data, and present results in an easily digestible format.

Analyze and Adapt:

Don't just run tests and forget about them! Analyze the results thoroughly, understand why specific variations performed better, and translate your learnings into actionable optimizations. Update your marketing materials with winning variations and continually iterate based on data-driven insights.

Continuous Improvement:

Testing and optimization is an ongoing process, not a one-time fix. Make it a core part of your B2B lead generation strategy. Regularly identify new testing opportunities, experiment with fresh ideas, and constantly strive to refine your marketing efforts for better results.

Share and Learn Collaboratively:

Encourage open communication and knowledge sharing within your marketing team. Discuss testing results, share learnings, and leverage collective insights to inform future optimization strategies.

Look Beyond Vanity Metrics:

While website traffic and clicks are important, remember that qualified leads are your ultimate goal. Focus on metrics like lead conversion rates, engagement time, and cost per lead when analyzing test results. These insights help you optimize campaigns for true B2B success.

Remember, AB testing and optimization are powerful tools for maximizing your B2B lead generation efforts. By systematically testing high-impact elements, analyzing results, and continuously adapting your approach, you can identify winning strategies, refine your marketing campaigns, and ultimately attract more qualified leads to drive sustainable business growth.

  16. SEO Optimization:

Ranking high in search engine results is crucial for driving organic traffic and generating qualified leads. By implementing SEO optimization strategies, you can attract potential customers searching for relevant solutions, significantly impacting your B2B lead generation efforts. Let's explore how:

Know Your Audience & Target Keywords:

Start by understanding your target audience's search behavior and pain points. Research relevant keywords they use to find information and solutions related to your offerings. Utilize keyword research tools to identify high-volume, low-competition keywords to focus on.

On-Page Optimization:

Optimize your website and content for your target keywords:

  • Title tags & meta descriptions: Craft compelling titles and descriptions that accurately reflect your content and include relevant keywords.
  • Content optimization: Integrate keywords naturally throughout your content, ensuring high-quality, informative material relevant to your audience's needs.
  • Header tags & structure: Utilize headings (H1, H2, etc.) with keywords and structure your content logically for user-friendliness and search engine crawlability.
  • Image optimization: Add descriptive alt text to images, including relevant keywords.

Technical SEO:

Ensure your website's technical foundation is strong for search engines:

  • Mobile-friendliness: Adapt your website for a seamless mobile experience, a crucial ranking factor.
  • Page speed: Optimize your website loading speed for user experience and SEO performance.
  • Structured data: Implement structured data markup to provide search engines with rich information about your content.
  • Website security: Maintain a secure website with HTTPS encryption to improve trust and ranking.

Off-Page Optimization:

Build high-quality backlinks from reputable websites relevant to your industry:

  • Guest blogging: Contribute valuable content to industry blogs and websites, including backlinks to your relevant pages.
  • Link-building partnerships: Collaborate with complementary businesses for mutually beneficial link exchanges.
  • Earned media: Secure mentions and backlinks in industry publications and news outlets.

Local SEO:

If your services have a local focus, optimize your website and online presence for local search:

  • Google My Business listing: Claim and optimize your Google My Business profile with accurate information and targeted keywords.
  • Local citations: Earn mentions of your business name, address, and phone number on relevant local directories and websites.
  • Local content creation: Develop content addressing local needs and challenges, showcasing your expertise in the local market.

Track and Analyze Performance:

Monitor your website traffic, keyword rankings, and backlinks using SEO analytics tools. Identify areas for improvement and refine your strategy based on data-driven insights.

Stay Updated:

SEO best practices and algorithms evolve regularly. Stay updated on the latest industry trends and adapt your strategy accordingly to maintain high rankings and organic traffic flow.

Remember, effective SEO optimization is a continuous process, not a one-time fix. By focusing on relevant keywords, optimizing your website, building backlinks, and staying updated, you can leverage SEO to attract organic traffic, improve search engine ranking, and ultimately generate high-quality leads for sustainable B2B growth.

 17. Data-Driven Marketing:

Navigating your course without a compass is a recipe for missed opportunities. Data-driven marketing equips you with the insights needed to understand what's working, and what's not, and ultimately chart a course towards successful B2B lead generation. Let's explore how:

Define Your Goals and Metrics:

Start by setting clear objectives for your marketing initiatives. What are you aiming to achieve? More website traffic, higher lead generation rates, or improved brand awareness? Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) aligned with your goals to track progress and measure success.

Embrace a Data-Centric Culture:

Foster a culture within your team that values data and its transformative power. Encourage everyone to be data-driven in their decision-making and prioritize data analysis as a core part of your marketing efforts.

Track Everything, Analyze Selectively:

While tracking every single data point might seem tempting, it can lead to information overload. Focus on tracking metrics truly relevant to your goals and avoid getting bogged down in irrelevant data. Utilize marketing automation and analytics platforms to streamline data collection and analysis.

Go Beyond Basic Analytics:

Don't just track website traffic and clicks. Delve deeper into user behavior, engagement metrics, and lead conversion funnels. Analyze data across different channels and campaigns to identify trends and understand the complete customer journey.

Attribution is Key:

Understanding which touchpoints contribute to conversions is crucial. Implement marketing attribution models to accurately determine how different channels and activities contribute to lead generation. This helps you allocate resources effectively and optimize your campaigns for maximum ROI.

A/B Testing and Experimentation:

Don't just assume what works best. Leverage A/B testing to compare different marketing elements and strategies, allowing data to guide your decision-making. Experiment with different messaging, landing pages, and even campaign timings to identify what resonates most with your target audience.

Personalization with Data:

Data empowers you to personalize your marketing efforts. Analyze user behavior and preferences to segment your audience and deliver targeted messages, offers, and content that truly resonate with their needs and interests.

Data-Driven Storytelling:

Don't just present data as cold numbers. Craft compelling stories that leverage data insights to highlight your successes, showcase the impact of your marketing efforts, and secure buy-in for future initiatives.

Continuous Improvement:

Data-driven marketing is an ongoing journey. Regularly analyze your results, learn from insights, and refine your strategies to adapt to changing market conditions and audience preferences.

Invest in Data Quality:

Remember, even the best analyses are only as good as the data you feed them. Prioritize data quality by implementing data cleaning and validation processes to ensure your insights are accurate and actionable.

Remember, data-driven marketing is not just about numbers; it's about using insights to make informed decisions and optimize your B2B lead generation efforts. By embracing a data-centric culture, tracking the right metrics, and leveraging insights for continuous improvement, you can chart a course toward achieving its marketing goals and driving sustainable business growth.

  18. Mobile Optimization:

Smartphones aren't just personal devices; they're powerful research and buying tools. Mobile optimization is no longer optional; it's essential for you to reach potential customers wherever they are and capture their attention during crucial micro-moments of research and decision-making. Here's how:

Understand Your Mobile Audience:

Before optimizing, delve into the mobile behaviors of your B2B audience. Understand the devices they use, the contexts in which they browse, and the content they typically consume on mobile.

Responsive Design is Key:

Ensure your website adapts seamlessly to any screen size and device, offering an intuitive and frustration-free experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Responsive design is not just a technical requirement; it's a user experience imperative.

Prioritize Speed and Performance:

Mobile users are impatient. Optimize your website loading speed for mobile devices, utilizing techniques like image compression and code minification. Every second counts in capturing attention and avoiding bounce rates.

Thumb-Friendly Navigation:

Design your website navigation for touch interactions. Ensure buttons and links are large enough for easy tapping, and prioritize essential information within the "thumb zone" – the area reachable without scrolling on a smartphone.

Focus on Value, Not Clutter:

Present concise and impactful content on mobile. Prioritize key messages, calls to action, and lead capture forms, avoiding information overload and ensuring a focused user journey.

Embrace Local Search:

Optimize your website and online presence for local search, especially if your services have a local focus. This helps B2B buyers searching on their phones discover your offerings when they need them most.

Leverage Mobile-Specific Features:

Utilize the unique capabilities of smartphones to enhance your mobile experience. Integrate click-to-call functionality, map directions, and even chatbots for instant communication with potential customers.

Promote Accessibility:

Ensure your website is accessible to users with disabilities on mobile devices. This not only expands your reach but also aligns with ethical and legal considerations.

Track and Analyze:

Monitor your mobile website traffic, engagement metrics, and lead generation rates. Use this data to identify areas for improvement and understand how your B2B audience interacts with your content on mobile devices.

Continuous Improvement:

Mobile optimization is not a one-time fix. Stay updated on evolving mobile trends and user behaviors, and refine your strategy to provide an exceptional mobile experience that attracts and converts B2B buyers on the go.

Remember, mobile optimization is not just about technology; it's about understanding your audience and meeting their needs in their preferred context. By prioritizing speed, usability, and valuable content, you can leverage mobile devices to connect with potential customers, capture leads, and drive successful B2B lead generation.

  19. Long-Tail Keywords:

Targeting the right keywords is crucial for success. While high-volume, head keywords might seem tempting, the reality is they often attract a broader audience with less specific needs and lower purchase intent. Long-tail keywords, on the other hand, offer you a strategic approach to attracting highly qualified leads with a strong interest in your solutions. Let's explore how:

Go Beyond Head Terms:

Instead of focusing on broad keywords like "marketing software," delve deeper into long-tail variations like "marketing automation software for B2B lead generation." These long-tail keywords have lower search volume, but the users searching for them are more likely to be in the later stages of their buying journey with specific needs and a higher intent to make a purchase.

Content Optimization:

Optimize your website content and digital marketing campaigns around relevant long-tail keywords. Integrate them naturally throughout your content, ensuring high-quality, informative material that directly addresses your target audience's specific questions and concerns.

Landing Page Relevance:

Create dedicated landing pages specifically optimized for each long-tail keyword you target. Tailor the content, messaging, and CTAs on each landing page to address the specific needs and pain points of users searching for that particular term.

Paid Search Strategies:

Utilize long-tail keywords in your paid search campaigns like Google Ads. While the cost per click might be slightly higher compared to head terms, the ROI can be significantly better due to attracting higher-intent leads with a greater chance of conversion.

Blog Content and Thought Leadership:

Develop blog content and other thought leadership materials that address specific long-tail keywords related to your industry and offerings. This not only attracts organic traffic but also positions you as a valuable resource for potential customers seeking solutions to their challenges.

Analyze and Refine:

Track the performance of your long-tail keyword strategy. Monitor website traffic, lead generation rates, and conversion rates for each keyword you target. Use this data to identify the most effective long-tail terms and refine your strategy to focus on those driving the most qualified leads.

Diversify Your Mix:

Remember, long-tail keywords are not a magic bullet. While they are incredibly valuable, don't neglect head terms entirely. Maintain a balanced mix of long-tail and head keywords in your overall SEO and content strategy to reach a wider audience while attracting high-intent leads.

Stay Updated:

Search trends and user behavior evolve constantly. Regularly research new long-tail keywords relevant to your target audience and incorporate them into your marketing efforts to stay ahead of the curve and maintain a steady flow of qualified leads.

Remember the Value:

Targeting long-tail keywords is not just about search engine rankings; it's about attracting the right audience. By understanding your audience, creating valuable content, and optimizing your digital presence, you can leverage long-tail keywords to attract highly qualified leads, nurture them through the buying journey, and ultimately achieve sustainable B2B growth.

  20. Competitive Analysis:

Standing still means falling behind. Staying ahead requires competitive analysis, a strategic approach to studying your rivals, learning from their best practices, and identifying opportunities to differentiate you as the superior choice for your target audience. Let's delve into how:

Know Your Competitors:

Start by identifying your key competitors. Analyze their market share, target audience, and value propositions. Research their marketing strategies, website content, and social media presence. Consider both direct competitors offering similar solutions and indirect competitors targeting the same audience with different offerings.

Tools and Resources:

Leverage competitive analysis tools and resources like Similarweb, SEMrush, and SpyFu to gather data on website traffic, keyword rankings, and social media engagement. Additionally, analyze their marketing materials, blog posts, and case studies to understand their messaging and value proposition.

Strengths and Weaknesses:

Evaluate your competitors' strengths and weaknesses. Identify areas where they excel in terms of marketing, branding, customer service, or product functionality. Conversely, pinpoint areas where they fall short to identify potential gaps that you can exploit.

Differentiation is Key:

Don't just copy your competitors. Analyze your findings to identify opportunities to differentiate you. Highlight unique selling propositions, innovative features, or exceptional customer service that sets you apart. Clearly communicate this differentiation in your marketing messaging and value proposition.

Benchmarking and Insights:

Use your competitor analysis to establish performance benchmarks for your own marketing efforts. Track metrics like website traffic, lead generation rates, and conversion rates, comparing them to your competitor data to identify areas for improvement and celebrate successes.

Stay Updated:

Competitive analysis is not a one-time exercise. Regularly monitor your competitors' activities, track their evolving strategies, and identify new competitors entering the market. Stay informed about industry trends and adapt your own approach accordingly.

Internal Collaboration:

Share your competitive analysis insights with your marketing, sales, and product development teams. Encourage discussions and brainstorm ways to leverage learnings to improve your overall strategy and offerings.

Innovation and Continuous Improvement:

Don't just react to your competitors; innovate and push the boundaries. Use your analysis to identify unmet customer needs and develop unique solutions that differentiate you in the market. Embrace a culture of continuous improvement, constantly seeking ways to enhance your offerings and stay ahead of the competition.

Ethical Considerations:

Remember, competitive analysis should be conducted ethically and respectfully. Avoid unethical practices like copying content or engaging in negative campaigns. Focus on learning from your competitors' successes and identifying opportunities to improve your own offerings, always maintaining ethical and professional standards.

Remember the Goal:

Ultimately, competitive analysis is not about tearing down your rivals; it's about learning, innovating, and driving your own success. By leveraging this powerful tool effectively, you can gain valuable insights, differentiate its offerings, and establish yourself as the preferred choice for its target audience, achieving sustainable growth and market leadership.

Tailoring Your B2B Lead Generation Strategy for Success:

While these 20 strategies provide a strong foundation, remember: one size doesn't fit all. Here's how you can tailor these tactics to maximize impact:

1. Industry Specificity:

  • Research industry trends: Understand your industry's unique challenges, buying behaviors, and communication preferences. Adapt your lead generation strategies accordingly.
  • Leverage industry publications and events: Participate in industry events, contribute to relevant publications, and connect with peers to build industry authority and reach your target audience.

2. Target Audience Focus:

  • Develop buyer personas: Deeply understand your ideal customer profiles, including their pain points, goals, and information consumption habits. Craft messaging and content tailored to their specific needs.
  • Segmentation is key: Segment your audience based on demographics, interests, and buying stages. Deliver personalized content and offers through different channels for higher engagement and conversion rates.

3. Quality Over Quantity:

  • Lead scoring: Implement a lead scoring system to qualify leads based on their fit and potential value. Focus your resources on nurturing high-potential leads with a greater chance of converting.
  • Track ROI: Continuously measure the return on investment (ROI) of your lead generation efforts. Analyze which strategies and channels generate the most qualified leads at the lowest cost.

4. Building Relationships and Nurturing Leads:

  • Personalized communication: Go beyond generic emails. Personalize your communication with leads based on their needs and interests. Utilize automation tools to personalize messages at scale.
  • Content marketing for nurturing: Develop valuable content like ebooks, webinars, and email newsletters to educate and nurture leads throughout the buying journey. Offer solutions to their specific challenges and position your company as a trusted advisor.
  • Community building: Foster a community around your brand through online forums, social media groups, or exclusive events. Build relationships, engage in meaningful conversations, and establish yourself as a thought leader.

This concludes our comprehensive exploration of 20 B2B lead generation strategies by Demand Inc. We hope this empowers you to implement these tactics, tailor them to your unique needs, and achieve remarkable success!

Additionally, consider exploring:

  • Marketing automation platforms: Streamline your lead generation efforts and personalize communication at scale.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning: Leverage AI for lead scoring, content personalization, and campaign optimization.
  • Account-based marketing (ABM): Target specific high-value accounts with personalized campaigns for maximum impact.

Remember, successful B2B lead generation is a journey, not a destination. Embrace continuous learning, adapt your strategies based on data and insights, and keep your focus on building valuable relationships with your target audience. This will ultimately lead you to achieve its B2B lead generation goals and position yourself for long-term success!

Daniel Trujillo

In a dynamic decade of digital marketing, Daniel Trujillo has orchestrated the melodies of Marketing, SEO, demand generation, and brand crescendo. From Sales Development beginnings to leading as the Director of Demand Generation, Daniel's versatility shines through roles as an SEO virtuoso and sales maestro. Renowned for devising campaigns that resonate and drive stellar SEO rankings, setting them on trajectories of unparalleled growth. With an analytical core and an innovative spirit, Daniel empowers brands to dance confidently in the digital realm. His philosophy? Dive deep, dream big, and inspire business symphonies.

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